
Friday, May 17, 2013

Tuesday Series Change

Tuesday Race Series 1 will commence on Tuesday, May 28. That is one week later than originally scheduled. In other words, the first scheduled Tuesday race has been canceled. With the late spring, many boats have yet to be launched onto White Bear Lake. That includes the judges boat. So we are delaying Tuesday sail racing by one week. The Board of Directors will consider a make-up date at its next meeting.

Saturday's race schedule stays the same. The Mayhem Regatta will go forward on Saturday, May 25th @ 12:00 Noon with Skippers Meeting @ 10:30AM. Sunday, May 26th is the third Regatta race again @Noon. The first club sponsored social follows after that race at the Witthaus residence. Saturday Series 1 will begin the following Saturday, June 1.

All other race start times remain as scheduled. Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM; Saturdays @ 12:30 PM with Skippers Meeting at 11:00 AM.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Membership Cards Available

2013 BBYRA membership cards are now available to those members who would like one made for them. The price for each card is $4. A sample card is shown below. Each card is double sided. On the reverse is a non-functioning magnetic strip, along with a QR code linked with

We are selling the cards for the cost of materials. Each one is custom made with the member's name. It looks and feels like a regular ID card or credit card.  If you would like one made for you, send me an email with your address. Or send me a check for  $4. I will make your card and send it to you.

Lawrence Sagstetter
1696 E. Third St.
St. Paul, MN  55106

New Google Calendar App:  If you would like to receive email prompts of BBYRA events, email me the address at which you would like to receive them. You will then begin to receive prompts a day or two ahead of each event on whatever device you have linked with your email account.

This is easy for me to set up. I just need your approval to do it and the email address at which you prefer to receive prompts. 

Or, on your own you can use the following address to access the BBYRA calendar from applications. Just copy and paste this into any feed reader.